In a world where many view Christian education as merely an alternative to public schools, we at Rebecca Creek Christian Academy (RCCA) stand apart. We don't just offer an alternative; we offer an initiation into a lifelong journey of discipleship, nurturing both spiritual and academic growth.
Our guiding vision is to raise up a generation "whose God is the Lord” by instilling in the hearts and minds of our students a passionate fear of the Lord. We aim to provide thorough biblical instruction that relates to the whole of life in a learning environment that it is safe, secure, and conditioned by His word.
RCCA recognizes that the Lord’s command to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength is not limited to religious instruction. In fulfilling Christ’s command, we teach children to think biblically when studying math, science, English, art, music, history, or when exercising their bodies. Clear, consistent enforcement of school policies, parental involvement, and clean, modern facilities contribute to making the school a place where students feel loved and accepted and which gives glory to God.

Our mission is to reach young souls for Christ, to EDUCATE them by imparting academic excellence with a Biblical worldview, to EDIFY them to grow and excel in their personal relationship with Christ, and to EQUIP them to live their lives for the Lord.
Educational Philosophy
Our educational philosophy is to glorify God by purposefully imparting knowledge, skills and a Biblical worldview that results in confidence, direction, and motivation for life in every student.
Christian education develops students who think from a Christ-like perspective, holding a world view that causes all of life's issues to be seen as God sees them. Secular education either ignores God’s existence or His involvement in human affairs, and thus develops students who think only in human terms, bound by the limits of this life, seeing all issues as man alone sees them.
The full truth of any subject cannot be taught if God is ignored or denied. A Christian education can be achieved when biblical truths are taught and integrated throughout all areas of education.

Why Christian Education
Scripture makes it clear that parents, not the church or the state, are responsible for the instruction of their children and that it is to be God-centered. Parents are to bring their children up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord…to teach them when they sit, when they walk along the road, and when they lie down and get up. The godly instruction of our children is a God-given mandate for parents that cannot be delegated to people without faith in Jesus Christ or an understanding of His word. It is a continuous and ongoing responsibility.
Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life. Any educational pursuit without Christ as its source of truth is less than true. The full truth of any subject—whether art, music, science, history, or economics—cannot be taught if God is ignored.
The stakes are high in the battle for our children’s hearts and minds. Studies continue to show that Christian young people are abandoning their faith at an alarming rate. Today’s Christian youth often hold a wrong view of Christianity, fail to make a true connection in their faith, and are unable to think critically about Christianity.
Christian education which emphasizes a biblical worldview prepares young people who can reason and relate issues of life to the doctrinal foundation of the Christian faith. More than 60% of students enrolled in Christian worldview schools will continue to hold a biblical theistic perspective.
Rebecca Creek Christian Academy places pre-eminence on God’s word and the transforming gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. In today’s age, where Christians are less theologically literate, less likely to share their faith, less dogmatic about moral absolutes, and less likely to identify Christianity’s contributions to western civilization, Christian education isn’t just an alternative, it is a necessity.

Statement of Faith
God’s Truth can be found in the pages of Scripture. We believe that the Word of God is the only sure foundation upon which to build your child’s life.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity, virgin birth, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that salvation is by grace plus nothing and minus nothing.
Creation of Man/Woman. We believe that God wonderfully and immutably created each person as male and female.
Forgiveness, Redemption, Restoration. We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ​​.
For a more complete understanding of our church/school doctrines, please see our website, www.rebeccacreek.org.